Sharon Stanford Sharon Stanford


Espousing collaboration and creating a collaborative culture is critical in developing a Growth Mindset in your organisation. Humility is the key value to success as collaboration involves working with others to solve problems, share ideas, co-create new ways/future direction/new products and get tasks done together making best use of talent across the organisation. 

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Sharon Stanford Sharon Stanford


Feedback is a gift.

Two people engaging in a feedback discussion, where they bring heart and humility and understanding for the situation, will result in a ‘we’ result, we solve it together and we plan and enable a new reality together.

The manager may be right or wrong in their observations, they may not have all the facts. Likewise, the employee can be completely unaware of their blind spots, or how their behaviours are impacting others.

In Humility focuses on: ‘DUO CHATS WE’ and with that we create a High Performance Culture, focusing on Growth.

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Sharon Stanford Sharon Stanford


Creating alignment for every employee in the team is an essential step in creating a growth mindset through humble leadership.

In the simplest sense, Alignment is being in sync with each other and our purpose and choosing to behave in sync with our values. Alignment is part of the glue that binds us to a company and done well, involves the employees at all levels of the organisation through both consultation and collaboration.

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